Our Articals
We feel proud to share all the articles written about our journey.
Krugersdorp News
7 October 2018
Dinner & dance to help the fight against cancer.
“An annual dinner dance to benefit the Cancer Association of South Africa (Cansa) and the Lumin Foundation was held at Usambara Lodge recently.
While Cansa’s purpose is to lead the fight against cancer in South Africa by offering a unique and integrated service to the public and all people affected by cancer….”
September 2015
Lééf in oorwinning
Zandré du Preez (31) van Krugersdorp het in agt jaar meer terugslae oorleef as wat baie mense in ’n leeftyd ervaar. Tog sien sy God se hand in alles wat gebeur het.
Ek was 22 jaar oud en in ’n koma ná ’n ernstige motorongeluk, gekoppel aan lewensondersteunende masjiene. Die dokters het gewonder hoe ek oorleef het…